How to Care for Your Wrap: Part 2

Here at Crystal Coast Graphics, we take pride in creating and installing the highest quality vehicle wraps around. In that same light, we like to educate our customers on how to properly maintain and care for their wrapped vehicles. A continued list of frequently asked questions is below:

1. What should I use to spot clean my wrap? To clean up isolated stains on your wrap, use a rubbing alcohol  then rinse with cold water. Try to avoid wiping your wrap when it is warm or hot – it can distort the vinyl and cause it to warp.

2. Can I park my car outdoors for long periods of time? A great deal of time under blazing sun or in high temperatures can take a toll on your vehicle wrap. In addition, rain, smog, debris and road pollutants (from passing cars) can greatly affect the longevity of your wrap. If possible, try to keep your vehicle safe under a canopy or in a garage while it is wrapped.

3. What products should I AVOID when caring for my wrap? According to research and experience, you should never use the following on your wrap: Oil based cleaners, Kitchen and bathroom cleaners, Orange oil, Engine degreaser, Solvents

If you have a wrap on your vehicle, boat or trailer and have questions, give us a call! If you’re considering showing off your small business by installing a wrap on either of those platforms, call 910-219-7720 today.